
Thats hers, from me on 2008 0239

Memory is still so fresh, I started to work after graduated and buy you a handbag as your birthday gift from Tokyo. 
: oh must be expensive one, you dont have to... 
I smile and ask you to use it daily as I know you are so happy to have me and this lovely handbag. Yes, its really expensive especially for green worker but I do willing to give you all mine, as i love you more than myself. 

There is no room to forget how greatest love on you from you, you are my only in my first 24yrs. My pain didnt heal, didnt gone. I still cant meet big part of my relatives as any tiny I will also think of you and lost control to make everyone nervous. You know I am so not ready to stay normal so offer me a luxury life these years to rebuild myself. I already much better than before even still damm hell when thinking about you. 

"Miss you but let you go" is hard but miss you and say I miss you is more me.

Miss you a lot, really a lot, my dearest grandma.